Montag, 11. Juni 2007

Dear diary...

Dear diary,
I am so lost and confused! These big men in uniforms came to our door, told us we had a half an hour to pack, and then shoved us in a big, smelly truck. Mama was calm and told us to pack our backpacks with a toothbrush and some clean clothes. I didn't even have time to pack Teddy. They shoved us in their truck and I was so scared. I held on to Mama, and she told me to be a big girl and not cry. But, diary, I was so scared. I didn't know what I'd done wrong to make the big men so angry. I'd been such a good girl lately- eaten all of my veggies, even if I didn't want to, and going to bed when Mama said. We rode in the big, dirty truck for what felt like days. I don't know how long it really was, but it seemed like forever. And I was SO hungry! And thirsty! But Mama told me to hush and not complain. I didn't dare make the big men even more angry. After an eternity the truck finally stopped. They shoved us out and I gripped onto Mama so I wouldn't lose her. I finally looked at the area around me. Ther were tall barbed wire fences and even angrier looking men than those driving the truck. And they had long guns. I tried not to cry and grabbed onto Mama. They herded us like sheep towards little wooden houses. Except they weren't real houses, just 4 walls made of wood, a roof, and a few sets of bunk beds. Mama set me down on a bed and told me to go to sleep next to Margaret. But I was too scared to sleep. So I wrote to you, dear diary. Oh, I'm so scared. I don't understand what's happening...

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